A Beginner’s Guide on How to Consume CBDNews

  • The CBD Arsenal Staff

CBD oil has many varied uses, depending on the administration method you choose and the CBD product you purchase. Generally speaking, CBD is ingested, topically applied, or inhaled, however other options do exist.

There is no usage of CBD which is inherently better than others, and there are no guarantees whether CBD will treat specific symptoms, or not. Rather, it is up to you to make informed decisions based on your specific circumstances and the information you have gathered.

What Does CBD Feel Like?

Your individual body chemistry is a big factor in what CBD will feel like for you, as all chemicals affect every body they come into contact with, slightly differently. Generally speaking, however, cannabidiol is referred to as a non-intoxicating or even in some cases, non-psychoactive substance. While there is no definite answer to speak to the effect of CBD on the body or mind, it is widely understood as non-intoxicating and lacking in significant side effects.

It is not uncommon for CBD users to share their CBD experiences across social media or through reviews, including the various health and lifestyle benefits they have seen. This community-sourced information is one of the best ways to build a better understanding of what you may experience personally with CBD. Additionally, upon using CBD yourself, you can help to inform others by providing insight into your own experience, including any general advice you may have.

How Much CBD Should I Take?

The FDA is only in the beginning stages of approving CBD products, which is a required step in the process of specifying effective dosages. Before being classified as a supplement, OTC or prescription drug, there is no way to definitively say how little or how much of this cannabinoid is safe to consume. Even if there are FDA approved pharmaceutical drugs of a similar nature to CBD, the regulatory-status of the CBD industry itself is yet to be determined.

CBD regulation does seem to be of high priority to the FDA, and new developments are projected to gain momentum throughout the following years. Until more solidified answers are available, however, there are only base guidelines for a healthy CBD dosage.

It is recommended that you start with a low dosage of CBD to monitor how the substance interacts with your body. From here, you can make newly informed decisions about how you might adjust your future dosages. If you notice no effects, you may want to increase your dosage, whereas if you felt a noticeable effect, you may continue with the same dosage as before.

How Long Does CBD Stay In Your System?

CBD can remain for differing lengths of time depending on how you choose to consume it.

The most enduring form of CBD is CBD intended for oral ingestion. This administration route will, of course, have the longest-lasting effects, and can even be stored for up to 30 days in the fatty tissues of your body. On the other hand, inhaled or topically applied CBD should exit the body with relative quickness.

With the upcoming possible federal legalization of cannabis, cannabis-focused drug tests may soon become obsolete altogether. However, even now, due to the semi-legal status of the substance, trace amounts of CBD in your system should present little to no concerns. It is even uncertain whether or not there are any labs currently testing for CBD in drug tests

How Many Drops of CBD Oil Should I Take?

Many manufacturers utilize milligram markers on the droppers in their bottles to indicate the ideal dosage of the specific product. It is generally a good idea to inspect the bottle of the product you've purchased, to determine whether or not this is an attribute of your CBD product. Your specific product may even simply state the ideal dosage on the outside of the bottle.

If not, you may want to review the total volume and milligrams within the CBD product, as a general idea of these metrics can provide an estimation for an ideal dosage.

How Much CBD Should I Vape?

Whereas it can be a bit more challenging to determine an ideal dosage with other CBD administration routes, the effects of vaping CBD are generally quite immediate and noticeable. Therefore, it should not be an issue to calibrate to your preferred amount of CBD upon simply testing out your vaporizer.

Additionally, it is not a bad idea to inspect the ingredients of the vaporizer you use, as not all vaporizers are created equally. Don't be afraid to try out several vape pens from several companies, to get a better idea of how each may benefit you.

How Long Does It Take For CBD Oil To Work?

Again, each method of CBD administration is likely to affect the body differently.

Inhaled CBD, just as is true with any other inhaled substance or substance placed under the tongue, is entered into the bloodstream nearly immediately. This rapid absorption deploys the substance throughout your body faster than any other administration methods.

Orally ingested CBD can take a bit longer to affect you, as it must be broken down by your stomach and filtered through the liver, along with a handful of other steps. While orally ingested CBD releases into your bloodstream slowly throughout the whole digestion process, the bioavailability of the CBD is significantly reduced by the time it is digested. Because of all of this, the effects of orally ingested CBD begin around 30-60 minutes after consumption and can remain for roughly 4-6 hours.